Who We Are

The Brooklyn Environmental Alliance unites people who believe that together, we can solve climate change.  We aim to make the borough of Brooklyn the most environmentally friendly city in the nation, and also step up with other cities to harness American innovation and optimism to reverse and prevent climate change for the world.We believe that broad, systemic and legislative change is necessary to win the fight for the climate.  Though individual actions are important, we also hold our leaders accountable for proposing, passing, and voting for laws to address climate change at a broader level.Businesses can also play a major role in reducing carbon emissions and preventing climate change.  We therefore reward and include in our alliance businesses within our community that take certain positive, documented steps for the environment.


The Green Cities Initiative 

The Green Cities Initiative unites groups in U.S. cities fighting for the climate at their local city level.  These groups believe that they can make positive changes in their cities which, when combined with the efforts in other cities, can significantly reduce our nation’s carbon footprint.   Cities have been innovators and leaders throughout U.S. history.  For example, Phoenix passed a ban on smoking in public places in 1973; New York City passed one in 2003; and 17 years later, hundreds of American cities have followed suit.  A similar phenomenon is occurring with legislation against single-use plastics.   When national politics is deeply partisan and divided, cities can come together to make a difference.  


Our Founders

Philipp and Louisa Smaylovsky are two adults living and working in Brooklyn. When their daughter was born, they  found ourselves newly concerned with the world she would find in her future, and they felt a newfound and driving need to do their part to save the planet.

We often wonder what we can do to help, and feel that as individuals, we are too small to make a difference. But this is only true if we let it be.

If we band together, we can start the climate revolution needed to save the world.

It is up to us, and time is running out.